The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

a a a Banner. SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1869.. PRICE OF SUBSORIPTION. DAILY, per annum, in 00 per month. Ta- WIZELT, per per month, annum, in in 50 WEEKLY, per annum, In 2 00 per month, in Brety newspaper mailed from this office opposite the name of the subscriber on the is margin, paid.

the By exact reference date to to it, which there the need sutacription fusion or mistake, and if his paper stops coming, this, we trast, will be suicient explanation wherefore, at the same time the propriety of renewal of subscription is the suggested. If your papez stops coming, look at date on the direction the last one received, and see if your subscription has not expired, and then rentw at your earliest convenience. ROBERTS Poavia Traveler's Guide.1 Departure of Trains according -te the new Summer 4 Schedule for 1860. ACING NORTH- and Nashville trains leave station. on North College Be 80 A.

x. and 2:35 P. dally. Phe 2:88 trait does not run on Sunday. The Gallatin Accommodation leaves at 4:05 P.M.

every day except Bundsy. The Edgefold and Kentucky train leaves don on North College Street at 8,00 P. M. every day. GOING BAST -Nashville and Chattanooga train Nashville at 9:00 A.

M. and 6:00 P. M. The Tallahama Accommodation leaves 4:0 GOING WEST and North western train leaves ststion on Church Street at 6:00 A v. and 9:00 P.

M. GOING SOUTH -Nashville and Decatur trains leave Station on South Cherry Street at 5 A. X. and 7:80 P. M.

Arrive at 4:30 L. and 7 P. Columbia Accommodation leaves at 8:80 P. 1 Arrives at 10 M. (eb19-1y THE CITY.

Now Advertisem*nts. Remember the trustee sale of farniture. that T. W. Barnes Co.

have this morning, in which that fine one thousand dollar parlor set is included in the sale. The steamer Talisman, chartered by the Reform Congregation for an excursion up the river, will leave the wharf, foot of Front, near Broad Street, Sunday morsing at o'clock. Tickets, one dollar, admitting'one gentleman and ladies. Our city items to-day tell where corns and bunions are removed. J.

W. Paramore announces himself a candidate for the Lower House in the next General Assembly, on the National Republican platform of universal suffrage and equal rights to all. A. Lande advertises summer goods at cost. A call is made among our new adver-.

tisem*nta to-day. for 0. 5. to become a candidate for the Some very nice goods, designed for the city custom exclusively, will be for sale at the One Dollar Palace Store to day. J.

Prousitzer advertises second-band furniture, carpets, at auction. Browns Cheatbam, real estate agents, advertise the Lake Kingston for sale. The National Savings Company, corner Union and College Streets, are doing regular banking and exchange business. They receive deposits in currency a and allow interest thereon; they buy and sell exchange on New York, Cincinnati, and they, at all times, pay the highest rates for. gold, ailver, uncurrent money, elc.

Te be Mustered Out. One company of militia will be mustered out of the State service to-day. Dranks, D. C. Smith and Jane Smith paid 1 three dollars each and Thomas Foley costa, into the Metropolitan Police fund yester.

day for straight drunks. Assault. Mrs. M. Bmith was fined $2 50 by Justice Mathews yesterdsy, for assaulting Amanda Muloy.

She WAS also bound over to keep the peace. Malicions Mischief. Frank Donovan was yesterday fined ten dollars by the Police Commissioner for drunkenness and malicious mischief. The case of Wm. Moore, charged with the same offense, continued.

Registrars. W. G. Bond was appointed Commissioner of Registration yesterday, for Stewart; Captain Lina, for Warren Coaty; Blackburn, brother of Jo Blackburn, for DeKalb County. The Horticaltaral Society Will meet at Scovel's Real Estate Mart, Porter Block, at half past two o'clock this afternoon, to receive the report of the Committee on Premiums to be awarded at the fall exhibition.

To Keep tho Peace. M. Harris and Martha: Porter were bound over to keep the peace toward each other by Justice Wilkinson yesterday, for the period of twelve montha. Sarah Johnson was arrested on a peace warrant. She was discharged.

A Diris Ampatated. A man named Reed, who had his hand badly mashed by the cars at Hopkinsville, Kentucky, Thursday, had one of his An. gera amputated at' the Louisville Depot yesterday afternoon. His cries of pain during the operation' attracted a large crowd. Not Yet Mesars.

Neill 8. Brown and A. 8. Colfar delivered their arguments in the in. junction case for defendants, and General Maney for plaintiffs.

The intereat felt the argument and tai decision of the case remains unabated. Mr. Edward Baxter, attorney for plaintiffs, will close the argument Monday. Ten Dollars, Andrew Connelly, unquestionably great lover of a "bit of the strong," and possessing a predisposition to quarrel -on the reception into his wallet of an over. dose of that mixture, was fined ten dollars by the Police Commissioner yeaterday, for drunkenness and disturbing the peace in an outburst of unrestrained hi-; larity.

Twe Prisoners Escape. Obarles Wilson and James Early, sent. to the work a day or two since to await investigation on the charge of larceny, made their escape from that insti-: tution in the earlier part of last night, by sawing out an inch and a half iron bar in rear window. The Instrument, with which they accomplished their designs is: supposed to be that of a. case knife sent into them Thursday by some of their.

friends. Tennessee Horticultural Society. The organization of this usefal interesting association has marked an era of progress in the production of fruits, flowers and vegetables calculated to: win towards it not only the good will, but the earnest solicitude on the part of our citizone in all that appertains to its success. We learn it is the deaiga of the society to make the annusi exhibition not onlygreat success, bat by the liberal offer. large premiums, to attract.

specimens of the best frait to be found in this and ad. joining States. We contend that in horti. culture and the growth of fruit, Tennessee should take a forcmost place. It only needs continued encouragement on our part to' nssure this.

At the last meeting of the society, one of the members stated he had distributed proceeds from sales of dried fruit, amounting to $100,000, for goods purchased here, which may convey some idea of the value of the fruit trade. If this trade were extanded to canning and slupping in baskets, it would soon be enormons. Wo' hope the meeting will be large this afternoon. THE POOR HOUSE. Condition' of the.

Lastitation, and How it is Conducted: The. Davidson County is and situated is about six miles- from the city, reached by the White's Creek and Hyde's Ferry Pike. It is surrounded by high hills, covered with forests which are wild. and. The Institution.

has attacaed to it a farm of about one hundred and seventy-six acres, a consider. able portion of it not fit for cultivation, owing to its rocky character. It was our fortune yesterday to visit the establishment, and we give a few notes of our observations. The number of paupers now dependent on the county for support is fifty.six, including white and colored, there being thirty-three of the former and twenty three of the latter. This Is a much smaller number than that of last.

year, good many having voluntarily left the establishment this spring. Fifteen of the inmates are white women, who, if they had places could support themselves. Out of the whole Afty-six inmates, however, there are only four men who can do any thing in the way of manual labor, are lame, balt and blind, or inflicted with diseases which render life a frightfal burden. While passing through the premises, we encountered a negro suffering with gravel; his cries and screams were horrible in the extreme. It.

appears. that nothing but laudanum will afford him relief from this terrible complaint, and he is beyond buman skill. Another negro, with a dreadfully crushed leg, came hobbling toward us, swinging a small bush to scare away the dies, which swarmed about the broken In one room we found four old white men, all too deaf to hear what might be addressed to them, and one gray-headed old patriarch nearly 90 years of age, whose lease of life is evidently drawing rapidly to a close. Second childhood with him was long since resched, and blindly and silently he is hobbling down to the dark river which will noon bear bim away from this world, which to him has been so sad and dreary. A blind negro was sweeping the steps and path which led up to the house, and nearly all of the inmates of the male which we visited first, appeared to be contented and.

doing as. weli as could be expected, After having passed through the ward we went to the little cottages, three in number, appropriated to the females. The spectacle here was even 8 sadder one than that which we. had previously witnessed. Two of the women, one white and the other colored, were in the last stages of consumption.

Three or four others had long since outlived their allotted time of three score years and ten. One white woman, Tabitha Dare by after outliving friends, fortune and 80- quaintancos, has come down to present-. is nOW more than one hundred years of ago."' a sad spectacle of humanity, shrunken, shriveled, deaf and almost blind, but still lively and cheerful and bids fair to live for several years to come, In one room, with a far gone consumptive, a woman suffering from fever and an. other invalld, we 1 find a pretty, sprightly, lively girl. Fresh- and rosy, it seemed of place to see her there.

Bome Christian family should. adopt that little girl and take her from that place. Her mother is there and would, we presume, have no objections to her receiving a home. On the first of March of the present year, a new building, designed for the male paupers, was completed at a cost of about 88,000. It is twenty by sixty feet, contains five rooms and is airy and pleasantly located.

Squire T. H. Harris is now the keeper of the -house, and has made a good many needed reforms, if we are rightly informed. He has succeeded, with the aid of one or two men, to put in fifty-five acres of corn, twenty of oats, five of Hungarian grass and three of potatoes. The various crops look well, as does the stock of the farm, four cows, three mules and twenty.

five or thirty hogs. The poor- house is under the control of three. Commissioner, A. Menifee, H. Townes and Jno.

Schimler. Alfred Menifee is Secretary of the Board and does a great deal of the labor imposed in lookafter the institution. The poor-house costs the county $400 per month on the Another Manufactory. Captain R. D.

Green, of the President American Gate Company of St. Louis, and patentee of. Green's Patent Universal Gate, exhibited in our office yesterday the model of a very ingenious bat simple and useful contrivance in the shape -of a farm gate, set on cast iron rollers, and opened and closed by means of pulley strings, with such ease that an infant might al. most manage it; The, gate. it is claimed by the patentee, does not swag or.

drag hinge-gates commonly do, and may be opened in a carriage without one's getting out, or on horseback without. dismount. ing, and closed in like manner, by a rope and pulley attachment. It runs upon largo cast iron with track-clearers fore and aft. It is supplied with 8 gap which may be used at pleasure by the farmer to admit the passage of small stock, at the same time excluding grown cattle.

It is the cheapest gate that can be manufactured, and will no doubt become universally popular. Indeed, these gates are manufactured in large quantities already, at the St. Louis factory. Mr. Green's mission here with his valuable patent, is not to dispose of rights but to establiabi a manufactory in this city, provided the requisite capital can be secured, to which he proposes himself to subscribe $10,000, donating his -patent free to the company.

He has been -induced to come to Tennessee to establish factory; for the advantages afforded in the abundant supply. of cedar timber in this vicinity, which material is' considered: most Serviceable for the purpose contemplated. The free use of the patent, of itself, ought to be sufficient to secure the immediate subscription of the stock required, while immediate profits are assured, as any manufacturer. will resdily appreciate upon an inspection of the model. Several prominent citizens have already ordered gates of this model.

Mr. Green: will exhibit it at the courthouse te-day, and will set about organiz-' ing a company at once. If successtul, he will remove to Nashville with this familly. The writer had the pleasure of an ac quaintance with Mr. at Montgomery, during the war, at which place he resided, and commends him to capitalists and manufacturers of Nashville.

connecting the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad with the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Colonel Topp has already commenced surveying the line. The' entire route is and the road will be avallable to good water-power and timber, and are at this time thousands of bushels of wheat that it will not pay to haul to market by way of wagons on dirt roads. It 'is, therefore, desired by the people that an carly completion of this road will be realized. Tennessee: Central This line in projected from Shelbyville, THE RACES.

Third Day of the Trotting Meeting The largest crowd of the week was brought together at the -trotting park, yesterday afternoon, and it must. be concoded on all hands that the sport was of the first order. Better trotting has not been seen on the Nashville Course for many day. FIRST RACE. This WAS -for A purse: of, $125, for all horses, with three entries, two of which; Little George and George Spaulding, started.

The former was the favorite at odds of about 8 to 1, and the resolt proved that his backers did not. err in their judgment. First Heat. -A good start, with Little George Soon taking the lead on account of the other. horse.

breaking up. favorite kept his position all the way round, -sometimes -being half- dozen lengths in front. He won the heat by. three or four lengths. Time- 2:464.

a In both the second and third heats Little George took the lead from the start, and never once gave up his advantage, winning both heats and the race. Time, 2:40, 2:404. This was for a purse 850, the contestants being Rachel Horton, Tattler and Bob Ridley. The mare was the favorite against the field by considerable odds. In the first race Bob Ridley was distanced on account of having run a conaiderable way around the course.

Rachel won the heat easily, Tattler barely saving his distance. Time, 2:58. The second and third heats was easily won by Rachel. Time, The third race pacing race for $75, only two horses--Bay Billy and General Duncan -contesting for the purse. General Duncan won the race in three straight beats.

Time, 2:597, 2:494, TODAY'S RACES. There will be a running race and also 8 trotting race to-day, and it may be reasonably inferred that the sport will be far ahead that of any preceding day. At least five hundred people ought to be attracted to the course. The trotting race will be for a purse of $125, and it is ex: pected there will be four or five horses in the contest, although, the entries are not yet named. The running race will be mile heats for 8 purse of $200; Appended "are the entries: 8.

Widener, b. 'by Captain Beard, dam by imported Sovereign, six yearn old. E. T. Craig, c.

g. Donovan, by Bulletin, dam by Ann Ambassador, four years old. Colors, red, white and red. Kleiser, s. Chystal, by Avalanche, dam by Childe' Harrold.

Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday morning. of $1,520 was appropriated for the support of the seventy six children at Mary's Orphan Asylum, under twelve years of age, for the ensuing six months. The following jurors. were appointed for the next term of the Criminal Court: First District, N.

D. Webster, Martin Consedine, Dan Burchett, Joseph Griffin, Lemon Webster, J. L. Gleaves, James 8. Hall, Jacob Walker, colored, David Nixon, colored, Henry Simms, colored, Henry Harding, colored, Squire Lytle colored, D.

F. Walker, colored, Charles Marfiele, colored, Hiram P. Rhodes, H. Stockard, colored, Adam Young, colored, and Abram Brown, colored; Third Dis. rtict, J.

W. Brown; Fifth District, John Sixth District, B. Gray; Seventh District, J. W. Bigley; Eighth District, G.

W. Spain; Ninth District, Thomas C. Martin; Tenth District, Thomas Childress, colored; Eleventh District, Jack Golden, colored; Twelfth District, G. M. Leiper; Thirteenth Dis.

trict, William Wiles, and D. J. White, colored; Fourteenth District, L. Coleman; Fifteenth District, J. W.

Bush, teenth. District, Thomas Beggarly; Seventeenth District, Li Peach, and Joseph McLane, colored; Eighteenth District, Frank Irwin; Ninteenth District, J. A. Hamblen; Twentieth District, J. M.

Shivera; Twenty first District, G. W. Parker; Twenty-second Gilbert Marshall, Twenty-third District, George Burch. Constables John W. Allen and W.

A. Sumner, colored, were appointed to wait upon the Court. The sum of $320 was appropriated for the support of sixteen children; under twelve years of age, at the Protestant Orphan Asylum. T. A.

Harris, Superintendent of the poor-house, reports the reception of firteen and the discharge of twenty paupers daring the second quarter, ending June 30, 1869; deaths six. There is at present Alty persons in the poor-house, of which number eight are white males, -fourteen white females, and eighteen colored males and ten black females. The following acconnts were allowed: Louis N. Weller, $55 50; Press and Times, $30; Hodge Weller, $97 50. The following allowances Were made to paupers: Abraham Tigg, Cut Prechett, Mary Langdon and H.

H. Hart, $10 each; Mary Connelly, Emily E. Bland and Tempy Murrey, $15 each. Facts About our Corporation Ring. The Board of Common Council consists of twenty members.

The Assessor's books for the present year show that twelve of these are not charged with any corporation taxes for the year 1869, on real estate, so that if they own any real estate it free territory, or it has eluded the notice of the tax The Corporation taxes of four of the remainder amount in the aggregate to precisely $82. The taxes paid by three of the remaining members amount to 20. One member owns. a lot in free territory, net taxable. The present assessment WAS made since the election of this board, 80 that those who pay no taxes were not eligible when elected, by the possession of real estate, or they have sold it since, and can not hold their seats; or, if they now bave real estate, they have failed to, return it to the Tax.

Assessor for taxation. The Board of Alder men consists of ten members and make a much better. abowlog. The taxes of six of these amount to the respectable sum of $4,581 70, of this latter sum, however, one member alone pAys $3,417 to be paid by the other Aye: The solitary member paying. the $8,417.

.70, and who pays more than' all: the others put together, is not of the Ring, but an old citizen and a large tax. payer for many years in this city. The remaining four members pay no taxes op real estate, and are in the predicament of their twelve brethren of the Board of Common Council. Now, we do not positively sasert that these sixteen members of the two boards, which would make a majority on joins ballot, have no real estate; within the corporate limits and are therefore ineligible, but we do mean to say that if they have real they have learned to evade the tax gatherer, 8: thing thought to be imposaible heretofore. Races again to TANTA SIDEWALK NOTES, The prospect of apples is improving.

The common' house fly Li frightfully numerous this year. Wherefore no base ball? Is the weather too hot Only't three arrests up to 1 o'clock this morning. A Nashville billiard operator is going to open a saloon at Kingston Springs. At 1002 yesterday the thermometer stood at 88 degrees in the shade. The sulphur water venders are becoming more and more numerous in Neah ville.

'The stage from Lebanon yesterday afternoon was crowded with passengers. There will be an immense crop of black. berries this year. They have a good many boat. clubs at Memphis, We have one here.

There is very fair passenger travel ON the railroads leading from, Nashville now. The velocipede mania in Nashville has entirely subsided. Many of the country roads are being. repaired now. Spring chickens are in demand by lovers of good things.

The Cumberland is alowly falling, with about 88 inches on the Harpeth Shoals. There will be one more boat from Cincinnati this season -the Robert Moore. A new and well executed 25 cent note is now in Ash Barracks look warm and sultry these, hot They have 'earthquakes in Memphis now. Fine amusem*nt that. New flour is being rapidly put upon the market now.

Only seven cases before the Police Commissioner yesterday morning. The jury for the next term of the cuit Court were sppointed yesterday: Thermometer at 6 P. M. laat evening' was 90 degrees in the shade. There were no cotton transactions yesterday.

Governor Senter was at the races yesterday afternoon. Senter stock is going up rapidly in Nashville. Four steamers were lying at the landing last night. A celebrated New York physician recommends people us naked as the law will allow, this hot weather. The earthquake shock which we experienced here was general all over Middle Tennessee.

We wonder if the convention to-day will not prove some thing in the can-can line. Pays is the name of 8 newspaper in Paris. Don't pay is the name of a great many in America. The fondness for white and rose colored toilets during July and August, is a graceful adaptation of French fancies, We understand that there is party organized here to go to Mammoth Cave in 8 short time. The four companies of militia not yet mustered out of the service are encamped on the hill not far from Ash Barracks.

Judge Trigg, of the Federal Court, who is now in Memphis, adjourned court yesterday, and leaves that city immediately. It is a wonder to us that an establishment for the manufacture of blackberry wine, cordial, la not established here. A big load of barrels was seen going down Broad Street yesterday. A sure sign of rain. A negro named Simpson Igard was Arrested, last night for assaulting an infelicitous colored female named Margaret Brooks.

Lager beer in Nashville is still ten cents per glass. It is a wonder to as that the disciples of King Gambrinus bereabouts don't enter protest. The sum of $1,840 was appropriated for the support of 92 orphan children by the Board of County Commissioners yesterday. A man who lives a couple of miles out on the White Creek's pike killed, on Wednesday, a large snake, which messured five feet in length. The "Aurora House" on Market Street is baving a beautiful front put in.

The old barkeeper, will preside as usual at this institution. There is lack of rain in the country; and crops are beginning, especially! to the north-west of the city, to show the effecta of the dry weather. A little girl who lives in North ville, daughter of Jno. G. Robey, was severely scalded yesterday morning while playing about the kitchen of her uncle's house.

A few days Mr. Coburn, residing near Bolivar, Tennessee, killed 8 rattlesnake measuring seven feet two inches in length, and fourteen laches in girth. It had fourteen rattles and a button. A white employe of the. Memphis and Louisville Railroad, at work at Jones' Station, near the city, was struck by lightning, Monday evening, and instantly killed.

His body was brought to town yesterday for interment. Crops along the Nashville and Chattinooga Railroad 'are in flourishing condi. tion. Many of the small towns in this section of the State are infested with thieves. The little showers of rain which peased over our city last Sunday became a raging storm at Somerville.

Streams rose as high 88 ever before in this section. A benefit was given at the Varieties last night to Major Gunkle, the proprietor. The house was crowded and the ment passed off with bursts of applause and merriment. They have. introduced the can-CAn.

There have been filty-five new Regis. trars appointed by. Governor Benter in the last month. The ball is still moving. of our correspondents thinks the Chinese nation has grown from the lost of is wonder to us that people do not move for another daily market; say some where in South Nashville.

The stockholders in the Tennessee Manufacturing 'Company to have 8 meeting at the court-house to-day. They invite all who feel an interest in this enterprise to be present: The following verses were liberated at a select circle of admirers of genius other day by an enterprising sleeping-car Conductor on the Nashville and Chatta. noogs Railroad: I Sound a little trophy, dest No doubt to those who lost It, Would like to know the ladles name The one who lost the corset. 21 BE This trophy, dear, I will return would no doubt be quite sensible, For such things though 1 think I know To ladies are indispensible. The above bachelor poet thinks the corset indispensible.

Of corset is Personal: Governor Banter is in the city. The Brothers Ohambors, of the Union City Herald, have been spending a 'few. days in Nashville. General Jno. C.

Brown, of Giles, was among the visitors to the capitol yesterday. J. R. Dillon, universal suffrage candidate for the Legialature from Rutherford, and our confrere: Henderson, of the Murfreesboro News, were in to see 08 yesterday. Jas: D.

Houston, editor of the Hot Springs (Arkansas), Courier, is on visit. to Nashville, and favored us with a call yesterday. PROBABLY IDENTIFIED: Hated Female Remains found Cumberland The body of the young girl which WAS found so horribly mutilated in the river, Mrs. Bass's farm, nine miles below Nashville, is supposed the remains of An'orphan girl named Amanda Clury, She left a gentleman's house, st which she had been stopping for some length of time, two weeks ago, with the intention of visiting a married sister, who resided on the north aide of the river, nearly opposite to the place whor* the corpse was discovered! that! time, her friends on this side of the river have not beard whether she arrived safely at her destination. Her description answers to that of the lost one, and ill the circ*mstendes strong.

ly indicate that abe, was made the victim of some' terrible" tragedy." 'Should' these suppositions prove incorrect she would confer a great favor and relieve the anxiety of many of her friends on this side of the river by informing them of her whereabouts. 4. COUNTY CONVENTION. To Nominate Candidates for Logis. lative Honors on the Blokes Platform.

Tr A convention will be held it the court: house this "to dominate candidates for legislative honors on the Stokes anti-suffrage platform, The following are the delegates appointed to the convention at the various ward and district meetings held Thursday night: First Ward -George M. D. Sumner, Henry Stevenson, Carroll Maguire, Joseph Wharton, William Foxhail, Edward Woods, Samuel Raulston, Brown. Second Ward -Wm. A.

Samper, Frank Dowd, John W. Cloyd, Daniel Gallivan, Ishman Carter, Fred. D. Clark, Jordan Allen, Vincent Wheaton, Edward Jackson, Robert Johnson, John Allen, Wm. A.

Baker. Third Ward -Lee Ayers, Ed. Horn, Drew Stout, M. G. Thayer, Mike Kienan, Jesse Rose, Stanhope Body, W.

Y. Emory, W. W. White. Fourth Ward -Charles Emery, M.

B. Kockel, A. A. Carter, Benjamin Bates, G. Lewis, George Carter, Travis Winham, George -Bartee, John Bently, Giles Glenn, John McGowin, 'Hiram Rhodes, Henry Harding, Calvin Hopkins, Charles JackBOD.

Fifth Ward Kelley, J. C. Carter, Jerry McCreary, Calvin Abernathy, Andrew Caruthers, Tom Williams, A. G. Canady, Henry Hamill, B.

Eastiand, 8. H. Grabam, N. Sloan. Sixth Ward -Nelson Taylor, Alfred McConnell, Samuel H.

Roberson, Wm. Sumner, Andrew McDonnell, Wm. Mubead, Allen Hadley. Seventh Ward -B. M.

Kirly, Jerry Nevils, Benj. P. Ratliffe, Jo. W. Griffin, Aaron Batter worth.

Eigbth Ward -Jack Mitchell, D. Brien, J. Brown, M. McDaniel, O. Foster, Equire Fain, Sam.

Emory. Ninth Ward -P. Warren Davis, Henry Lewis. Tenth Ward. -W.

H. Forrest, "John Thompson, William -Butler, Alex. Dun. can, 'N: Frazier; R. Y.

Tromor, M. Ket. ley, Alex. Williams, Charles, Maxfeld, John Mason, Simon Kill, Allen Thirteenth District. -J.

Lewis. Brown, Horace G. Scales, Lit Jones. Fifteenth District. -Judge M.

M. Brier. All delegates were instructed to vote for none but Stokes men, Search Warrant. A warrant was sworn out before Justice Mathews by a soldier named; J. R.

Langdon, with which to search the premises of 0. V. and Mary Bande, the Post Hospital, for $350, alleged to have been stolen. The money having been recovered, however, no search was made. No blame or criminality is attached to the Bands' family, as the money was mislaid by the persons hazing it in possession.

Discharges' in Bankruptey. Thomas Neal, of Wilson; T. W. Witherapoon and Joseph H. James, of Maury; 8.

L. Waller; of Dayidson, and 8. B. Craig 'and Wilson H. Manning, of Smith County, roceived their discharges in bankruptcy during the past week.

July 5, 1869. 0. S. Galbreatb, DEAR BIB -We, the undersigned voters of Davideon County, belfering 'that entire Justice can only be done the people o' every party and color, and the principles of universal be bly carried out by calling to the Legislature men who will pledge themselves to vote for equal taxation, economy in public expenditure, and for the Immediate calling of a convention to do away with the present franchise law, and knowBing your sentiments and opinions in regard to there matters, we request you to become a cAndidate to represent us in the lower branch of tho next General A Mathes, Robert Maynard, Fryer, Albert Pike, Wemarz, Mart Gaine, I Cartwright, Martin, Dr Kirkpatrick Cross A Cartwright, -Wm CrOREWY, Cross wy, JN Cole, Wm Cloyd, Mock, Andrew Johnson, Jr, Shivers, Martin, Prince Otley, 8 Draper, Scruggs, Galbreath, Cunningham, Parham, Cozgia, A Cartwright, James Job Cartwright, Connell, Lassiter: BY Myere, GrAD Page Overton, Jim Crosswy, Timothy Burton, Simon Straks, Moses Overton, Mathews, Cato Parbam, CrOSSWy, Thos Walker, A Stalcup, Wm A Stalcup, Wm Briages, Watkin, Wilson Apleton, A Looney, Baker, PT Enbanss, Drake, Foster, Lassiter, Foliter, 8 Btalcap, Conel Baker. Parham, EF Bowers.

Roscoe, Mather, Kemper, Glasgow, Robertson, Johnson, Sam Overton, Glasgow, John Jordan, A Glasgow, Lem Fite, John Salivan, Fack Hail, Dan Burton, Andrew Bowers, Wm Love, Dare Bowers, Tim Ryan, John Eperson, Thos Frantey, P. Byron, Martin Conley, Draxe, A Furman, Nichoisor, Bowere, A Garre', OF Hurison, Campbell, 0 Anderson. Drake, Shiver, Aums, 8 McClain J.Drake, CG Bearley, Farris, Richard Byrus, A Mathews, Herrod, Clinard, Scruggs, J. Baxter, 8 Graum, Knight, WA Booth, PhelaD, Wn Wilson, T.J. Campbell, Warmach, Bowers, Orvel Cantrell, HarrisoD, Cummins, Campbell, A.

Crosswy, 8 McFerin, Connell, Dr Weber, Tom Whitworth, TH Campbo.I, Cummins, David Lassiter, Harry Frister, Peter Smith, Wirt Hughes. NASHVILLE, July 6, 1809. Mosur. B. Af Mathes and GENTLEMEN -In response to your very friendly and complimentary letter just received, I bave the honor to say that I do not feel at liberty to refuse to place my name at your command for the pur: pose It would gratify mo.

most highly to be chosen to represent this, my native county, la the popular branch of the State Legislature at a moment 80 interesting and critical in our history as a people. If elected I aball delight in doing all la my power, to secure the early assemblage of a convention for tho relief of our fellowcitizens from ciyll the Arm' establishment of aniversal suffrage, and securing the eat and economical administration of the Government in all Its depaitments, I am opposed to paying members of the Legislature for their services in a currency superior to' that enjoyed by the people at large. Shonld it be my -fortune to be chosen for the high and responsible parition referred to, I shall do my beat to merge my countrymen of all classes, faithfally and efficiently. I have the honor to bel your- rehow-citt zen, Jy10 1t 0. 8.

GALBRRATH "DIED. SCANLAN. Jaly 8, at 10:45 P. siter a long fortitude, Ann, of Dan' J. ScAn and painfal illness, which was borne with Chris: Her funeral will take place from the Cathedral this morning as 9 FINANCIAL COMMERCIAL rille buotatiens of Money.

and Stocks. dally by Peoples' BONDS, STOUTH, FTC. Buy's. Sell'g; U. 8.

of 191 64 gd 1st 6-908, Bd 10-40 108 Tennessee Bonds, old. Tennessee Bonds, neW. Tennessee coupons, past due, Nash Te bds: Jo Chatn'ga R. stock, Fast R. bonds, Bast Tenn Ga R.

R. bonds, Knoxville and Ky R. R. Nash yle R. Charle'ton R.

R. Planters' Bank Union Bank Nashville City checks. Nashville City coupons. Nash rille City bonds (old), Nashville City bonds N. Davidson Co.

Co, bds. to other R. R. Davidson County coup. Bouth County Buspension Nash vie Bridge street stock.

R. 100 0.8. Pay and Bounty 99 SP TOO Gold. 136 137 130 185 LAND WARRANTS, War 1819.... 80, War 1819..

190's, War 1819. 160's, War 1819. not war 1819. not war 160's, not war 1812. 1.60 DOMESTIC ARD FOREIGN New par On prem, On par 1-10 p'm' On London and Liverpool per £....

00 Mamphis. par On Dublin per 7 00 On Germany, Edinburgh per Berlin. 6. ete per thaler. 7 On Germany, Frankfort, 60 Revenue stamps st Government rates of discount.

SOUPED TEN BANE XOTEL. of Tennessce, old. 30 Bank of Tennessee, 03. Planters' 90 Union Bank. Union Bank Bank of Chattanooga.

Bank of West All other uncurrent bank notes at best ratce. OXFICE OP THE REPUBLICAN BANNER, FRIDAY, July 9, 1809, The following were the quotations of United States and Tennessee bonds in New York today; old 61, and now b7, CLOSING QUOTATION OF GOVERNMENT THE NEW FORK MARKET. Jane Jaly (881'8 5-205 191 191 198 5-208 119 5-206 '65 new. 5-908 116 0.8. 108.

Currency 106 100 We are indebted to the People's Bank for the following New York gold, stock and cotton quotations, per telegraph: NEW YORK, July 9, 9:20 A. MA Gold opened at 120. Cotton -market dull; prices unchanged; for uplands. 10:25 coupons, '81, coupons, '62, 5 20s, coupons, '64, 1153. coupons, '65, 5-20, new issue, 5-20s, cuapons, '67, 5-808, coupons, '68, 10-40s, coupons, Gold 11:50 A.

1. -Tennetsec bonds--old, G1; new, 57. Gold. dull, and prices nominal; low middling uplands good middling Mobile Orleans Gold 9:10 x. Go.d 136.

Cotton -market doll prices nominal, sales to-day 600 bales at 4 r. -market dull; prices nominal; to-day 500 for spinning, 100 bales to spectlators; 300 bales low middling November and December delivery at 26c. Gold July 9, 11:15 quiet; sales to-day 10,000 bales at Sales of the week, 63,000 bales. Sales for export, 10,600 bales. Sales to speculatore, 7,000 bales.

Stock of cotton of all clasecs at Liverpool, 366,000 bales. Stock of American cotton at Liverpool, 907,0.0 bales. 1:20 P. of cotton of all classes afloat for Liverpool, 631,000 bales. Stock of American cotton afloat for Liverpool, 9,000 bales.

Other quotations unchanged. 5 unchanged. LONDON, July 9, 11:15 A. Corsols 1:20 Consols P. 5 r.

Consols unchanged. The 1,870 banks of the United States represent a capital of a little less than while the railrosde in. operation, 000 miler, represent a capital of nearly 000, The earnings of banks may be estimated at from $50,000,000 annually; while the earnings of railroads of New York aione last year were 661,900, and of the whole United States, 000, C00, The New York Herald, of Tuesdsy, says: "The steady reduction of the national debt by applications of the provisions of the act, would reduce is some tweaty-iva millions daring the ensuing Ascal year. Secretary Boutwell seems determined, however, to liquidate st a much faster rate. It is said that he recently expressed the opinion that he would be able cancel about seventy.

Ave millions daring the year of his administration F'robably it was parazance if this policy that he ordered the chase of the three millions of bonds made Assistant Treasurer Butterdeld at New York Saturday. He will not mutilate these bonds, he does those bought for the sinking fund, will retain them and swait the directions of Congress next winter. The matter suggests that view of the usual fall atringency in our local money market, which may be looked for after 15th of September, it would be well if Mr. Boutwell wonid convert all. of his Treasury balance, except suficient for current expenses, into bonds, and thus release to general circulation greatly needed quantity of currency.

As to the redaction of the debt by the amount which he has above specided, It will ba seen that its cancellation would be effected at the rate of three per cent. per annum. If seventy -Are maillions can be thus applied now, as large an amount can be applied in the future; for it is hardly likely that the conntry will go cackward in the production of the sources of income. Indeed those sources of income will have become so extensive at our ent rate of progress, that the individual taxation will be diminished to trifle. Thus, while the debt on the one band la decreasing, the barden on citizen will gradually grow lighter, until it diesppeara altogether." The General Market.

COTTON--There is' absolutely no king doing In the Narbville cotton market now. Prices are nominal at for low middling, there baying been a decline of cent. There were only 8 bales received and the cotton houses to day presented a very doll appearance. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Bept.

1, GO Received 10 Received 51,579 Total. 61,692 Shipped to-day. 16 Shipped 51,336 Stock on 286 We give the following summary of to- day's business Received. 10 bales Bold The closing quotations were 88 follows: Low mics, Good ordinary. .99 The actual receipts of wheat to-day were 1,050 bushels at the following Agures: Moditerranean red amber $105; white $1 10.

The purchases of wheat for future delivery. amounted to 1,509 bushels, Shipments of corn amounted to 1,800 bushels. We note sales of 83 bushels 'of barley at $1 per bushel, quote clear sides from store. at shoulders country hams 178 Hart Hensley's sugar cured hams 90c. light waight, per pound, 178 summer monid, per box, $5 00.

to strictly choice Rio, 208 96c; Java, 87c; Lagagra, 26c. COTTON YARNS. 600'8, 20c; 000's 19c; 700'8, 16c. COTTON -Per ton, $12 00. COUNTRY PRODUCE.

-The following rates are paid by merchants: Dried peaches, in quarters, 11c per pound; deled peaches, mixed, 11c; extra' halves, 11c; apples st 10c per pound; beeswax, 36c per pound; winter ginseng, soc: spring. ginseng, 70c: feathers, 50a70c 85 per pound; rage, peanuts, buying, bushel $1 from per wagon, bushel; 00. seed, from per And 92 store; potatoes, chestnuts, per none; barrel, green $3 00; apples, onions, $4 $1a1 0085 95, 00; corn meal, 65a70c; venison hams, 19a15c, kraut, $12; butter, eggs, k13c. FLOUR -We quote superfine, $5 double $7 5028 00 family, 8 50a9 00. Mackerel, Nos.

1, 9 and 3, per half barrel, $18, $11 22 and $8 25; in kit, Nos. 1, 2 and $3 60, 49 75 and $9 50. quote corn, locee; from wagons, 75880c; asked and delivered at depot. 90c. rye, $150 from store: barley $1: corn, in ear, outs, no.

old) in market; new, opening at wheat, new, rod, $1 00; nOW, amber, $100; DEW, white, $1 05. quote 'at $97 00, in store, and $29 00 in depot. flint, dry SAT, green salt, green hides, 8a10G IRON common: bar, per lb. Kentacky, don per pound: Tennessee band: Kentucky Common rectiled whiaky, per galIon, $1 10al 40:. Robinson County, $1 000 Bourbon, $1 60a8 50.

quote, in tierces; per in kegs and cans, LAND PLASTER per ton' in MESS PORK Per barrel, $33 50. MOLASSES AND Common to choice 00, sorghum, For 10d's $4 75 per keg, and 258 additional so: each diminishing grade. RICE. Carolina, the 7 bushel -barrels, by the CAr load, 83 B0; sacked, BERDS. Clover, 810 50; Timothy: 00, orchard (cleaned) grass, $9 $3 60; 0033 Millet, 50; Herds grass, $2 00 SUGAR pound, New.

19816c; Demarara, Porto Rico, standard bards, A B. and 16c. Common bar, 7410c per pound; fancy, per box, $9 00a4 50. -Powder, $7.50 keg for rife; end $5 50 for blasting. Blacking; per dozen, 40a80.

Washboards, 1588 $9 00. 7543 00 Tube, per dozen. 7585 00 Buckets, per dosen, $4. per Starch, Sc per pound. Copperas, Bc per' pound.

Indigo, $1 60a1 60 per pound. Candy, 25 for sorted, per pound, 28c. Snuff, $8 00 per box for Garrett's packed. Matches, $8 2548 50 per case of six caddies. Pepper, 87c.

Alspice, 82c. Ginge: 96830c. Oysters, $1 70 per dozen for 1 pound $3 75 per dozen for 9 pound cans. Boda s8c Markets by Telegraph. NEw Your, July 9.

COTTON -Cotton held fully lower. Sales to-day 600 bales, Uplands 341C. GENERAL -Flour held' at $5 90a5 65, Whisky $1 02a1 Wheat $1 69. Bugar: Caba Corn Coffee quiet. DEY GOODS MARKET.

-The dry' goods market is gather quiet bat steady and Arm for all descriptions of staple cotton goods; Heavy sheeting brOWn, range from to 1Tc as to make, Golden Ridga being held at 18c, Orchard Moss Nasssu Pepperell do 0 Blesched cottons are without change. Pepperell Jeans 17c, Bates do 18c. Prints are 1 little irregular and vary from to for standard makes. July 9., Arm, at Receipts 56 bales, exports 63; week's receipts 201, exports 556 bales. Flour $5 2585 50.

Wheat, new, $1 2041 50, Corn 90192c. Osti Kay $2589T; Bran Corn meal, fresh, $4 10, kin dried 94 25, Meis pork $34 00, Lard Bacon stesdy. shoulders sides F. LOUISVILLY, July 9.: Flour $495. Corn 63c.

Data T0C. Prime sugar Prime molasses Bales of 199 bbde. $5 00a16 00, Mess pork $18 00. Bacon Highwines July 9. Flour $4.75.

Wheat $1 86a1 Corn 798 80c. Oats Rye $1 10. Barley $145. High wines 95c; Mess pork 432 00. Lard 18 Bulk shoulders July 9.

Flour $5 6036 10. Corn Oats TOaT3C. Bye 15. Whieky la held at 95c. Mesa pork held at $39 50.

Bulk meats Bacon 14, Lard Whent 31 1 85. Rye $1 10a1 15. Cotton middling 33c. Butter 24128c. Eggs Cheese 14a 16c.

Sr. Lovia, July 9. Flour $5 0055 75. Wheat $1.90. Corn Oats Rye.

$1 123. Whisky' 00. Groceries steady and unbanged. Kess pork $838 83 75. Buik, shoulders 134c.

Hams 21c. Lard 19c, ORLANe, July 9. Cotton- -middling 108; receipts 173; exports 376. Sagar Arm, prime, comMOD, choice fermenting held, at 64c. RIVER INTELLIGENCE.

ARRIVED. Ella Hughes. There were no departures. The Cumberland was slowly declining last night with only thirty Inches on Harpeth Shoals. The weather was clear and pleasant, with the thermometer at 90 degrees in the shade st 6 P.

M. The Ella Hughes was expected at midnight last night and we have reported her arrived. She will probably be st the landing this morning. She will return for return trip to day. The project of bringing an ocean steamer from New York to Louis has been abandoned for the present, the terms not meeting the views of St.

Louis merchants The Cincinnati papers have descriptions of the new Cincinnati and Louisville mail line steamer Ben Franklin. The dimensions of the Ben Franklin are as follows: Length of hull, 261 feet over all, with 874 feet peam and 6 feet 2 inches hold, all made of the best oak, and extra fastened, particularly amidshipa and under the boilers, with double braced fore. and aft extra bog chains, and she has not set. tied the fraction of an inch, bat is 88 straight as when on the stocks, and the builders are sanguine that the shape will be retained as long as the boat lasts. The machinery consists of two high pressure engines, the cylinders 21 inches in diameter, with 8 feet stroke, working a waterwheel feet in diameter, with 114.

feet lengths of buckets, and 20 arms to a fange. The steam boilers are 4 in number, esch 30 feet in length, and 88 inches in diameter. These boilers are made of the beat boiler iron, all approved by. the Government test, and branded, and the small diameter of the boilers is best gusrantee of their ability to resist expansion and give extra The main or water- wheel shafts and the huge cranks are made of wrought iron, and the bility of the engines as well as the ball is assured. The ferrybost at Missouri, six miles below 8t.

Louis, owned by John Fletcher, of St. Louis, was destroyed by fire: Monday night. Loss, insured to the amount of $5,000 in the home companies. Attempted Suicide near Kingston. We learn that a Mr.

Lauborn, a turner by trade, who was at the time in the employ of Rev. 8. Williams, in the upper part of Roane County, attempted to take his own life on Sunday evening last, by shooting himself through the head, and it is feared he succeeded only too well, The unfortunate mad, it appears, had teen for some days previons to the rash act, despondent and low. 00C8- sioned, as we are informed, by the an. pleasant relations existing between him.

self and Having been separated from her since the war, he was rendered so wretched and unhappy that he deter. mined to relieve himself from his troubles by seeking death. He shot himself in the head with a navy the ball' passing through the baek part of his head. At last accounts he was still alive, but little hopes are entertained of his recov. ery.

MILITIA, The State Troops to be Called to 'Sustain the Laws, From' the Knoxville Whig, Jaly S. We understand that the militia at present in the field, will be at once pat under marching orders for East Tennessee, to be distributed throughout the different counties where resistance is made to the law by the unwarranted interference of disloyal fudges, or others, the Governor being fully determined to sustain his newly appointed Registers in their efforts to protect the loyal voters in the discharge of the right of suffrage. He announced in his speech at Chattanooga, that he would do this if it required the presence of twenty thousand militia. Other troops will be called out to supply the places of those on their way to East Tennessee. From the Press and Herald, July 8.

We learn that two companies of militia have been ordered to this portion of the State, to enforce the laws. Governor Senter has expressed his determination to place two thousand militia in the field in East Tennessee, in case there are attempts to impede the operation of the laws. The militia will be raised in Middle and West Tennessee. A regiment from West Tennesses will probably be stationed in Blount County. Caged.

'A negro named Dennis Ray was sent to jail, in default of $150 bail, by Justice Thurneck yesterday, to, await trial before the Criminal Court, on the charge of stealing a mocking bird, the property. of Lu'cinda Anderson. OTTY ITEMS: "Secrets of the Great City. above is the title of new sensational sketch-book of' New York--a literal map Its' busy. life, its and its vast concerns -just issued from the press of Jones Brothers New York.

It is a handsomely bound volume of over five hundred pages, illustrated with wood and sold by subscription only. Mr. W. Price, a worthy citizen, who has had the misfortune: to lose his sight- being completely blind -has secured the agency. for this county, and commences the canVaaS of the city next Monday.

We com. mend him to the kindly consideration of the humane and charitable. The "Secrets of the Great City" purports to be work descriptive of the mysteries, miseries and crimes of New York, by W. Martin, illustrated with engravings, treating of every thing of interest in high and low life in the great metropolitan city of America. It la bound in crimson and gold, and is replete with articles of interest and valuable information of life in the grest metropolis.

The object of the work is praiseworthy, being to satisfy the curiosity of those who have never visited great city," and to caution the unwary and guard them from its many meshes of wickedness and Orders left at No. 45 South College Street, or with Mr. Price, will receive prompt attention. jy10 2t Nashville, the people of Davidson County--In response to the published call of a number of the Republicans of this county, I announce myself a candidate for the Lower House In the next General Assembly, on the National Republican platform of universal suffrage and equal rights to all. W.

PARAMORE. jy10 tf Tennesseo Lodge No 1, I. O. of G. meets every Tuesday night, over Greenbalge's drug South Nashville.

S. CLINE, W. 8. jy10 8m Summer Goods at Cost. -I offer my well-selected stock of straw hats and other goods for summer wear, at cost, to make room for.

the fall trade. A. LANDE, 21 Public Equare: jy10 2t -Corna and Bunions -We are pleased to learn that Dr. Lane, long and favorably known in Philadelphia 48 8 very skillful chiropodist, has recently located in Nashville. In the removal of corps, bunions, inverted to6-nails, and other diseases of the feet, Dr.

Lane hag been very 'He uses 10 acida for other poisonous ingredients. He can remove the worst soft or bard corn without any injury to the feet. Office, South Pablic Equare, up stairs. jy10 tf 63 The greatest invention of the age on a masquito canopy, patented February 18, 1869. It can be opened and shut while attached to the celling.

For sale at Chas. Richheimer sole agente. Come and examine for yourselves. jy4 tf The Banner in the Country. Our subscribers in the city who expect to spend the summer in the country or at the watering places, may have the paper sent to them by mail, during their absence, by leaving notice at our counting The BANNER is sent regularly and promptly to any address at eighty-five cents per mo.

jy4 tf. For Tienty -Grept sale of dry goods at astonishing low prices at Chas. Richheimer Co's. je27 1f Russell's Patent Broiler, the best in use, sold by McClure, Buck only. Give it a trial.

jel9 tr 9 D. B. Hicks is selling ice cheaper than any body in the city. je10 if 43 The Anchor hat at R. H.

Thompson's, 41 Cherry Street. je12 tf Er Trunka repaired and covered at No. 11 Deaderick Street, up stairs. je6 tf 43 Ventilated, straw hats at R. H.

Thompson's, 41 Cherry Street. jel2 tf The Chinese hat at R. H. Thompson's, 41 Cherry Street. jel9 tf How Could He Help It -When he knows (whether old or young) if he hag lost his manhood, either by his early indiscretion or otherwise--can he be content to thus drag out a miserable and profitless existence? No.

It he is a wise will at once apply to some source for relief. Then "Nip the evil in its bad" by consulting in time, at No. 18 Cedar Street, the most experienced physician in his speciality, in all diseases of the sexual organs, in the whole Soutbern country. Office hours from 8 A. M.

till 9. P. 4. my7 tf To the Voters of Davidson, County.I take this mode and opportunity of annornoing myself as a candidate to represent Davidson County in the lower house of the next General Assembly. I will run the race upon the broad principle of uni: versal suffrage and equal rights to all citizens before the law.

Very respect. fully, T. 'A. jel5 tf TOR CAIRO, ST. AND LOUIS, MEMPHIS- NEW The Wm.

regular passenger Wm. S. packet ELLA. HUGHES, will leave Dir, Master: Bowman, 48 above on SATURDAY, the 10th- et'4 o'clock P. M.

For freignt or passage apply on board, or to WILLIAN BOYD, Agent, 41 and 42 Front Street. or to HARRISON SON, Agents, Jy9 9t 44 and 46 Front Street. SHIRTS MADE Ties BowS, DENIER GENT'S IN Collars, NO CHERRY 67 8 GOODS. always 18098T TENNESSET nand. TO ORDER.

Prof. A. J. Fanning' Classi: cal Mathematical School, NIVE MILES BAST OF NASHVILLE, TENnessee, will open Monday, the 6th of September, 1869. For particulars address him at Franklin College, Tenn.


MERMAN, D. Be D. B. HERMAN FREEMAN, DENTISTS; Tenn. PUBLIC Ofice SQUARE, hours from Nash- 8 N.

to 6.2. Mi; In order to better accommodate my friends and patrons, I have associated with me, as the above card 9m indicates, Dr. R. Freeman, 1e25 A. HERMAN.

Goods ARE at fair No. 72 and TO East would OFFER Side be ploased TO Publio to them have Square, on cail FULL Nashville, WRIGHT LINES 9 Tenn TAR ABOVE Boots 8: Shoes, in and HOLLINS, Fur and WRIGHT Wool Hats, SPECIAL NOTICES. delphin, my 80 8m PATENTED FEBR'Y 2, 1869. JENKINS' STOMACH BITTERS! Owing to the great success of The Marriage Bing. Essays on the Errors of Youth, and the Folles of Age, in regard to Social Evils, with certain help for the erring and unfortunate.

denin sealed letter envelopes free at charge. Ad.dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P. Philat Jenkins' Celebrated Stomach Bitters as a certain SPECIFIC and INVIGORATOR, for all disorders of the Stomach, flatulency and loss of appetite, intorested parties are flooding. the market with cheap and. worthless nostrams, undor the name of Stomach Bitters.

The priblic are cautioned against using them, as their sole merit consists in 8 very inferior article of "Rot-gut," manufactured in the Northern market especially for Southern sale. JENKINS' STOMACH BITTERS are composed of the purest materials, prepared with the greatest care by an experienced chemist, tested and approved by the principal medical pratitioners of Tennessee, and secured by LETTERS PATENT (the infringement of which is fellony). They can be used by. ALL with confidence, a8 SAFE, CERTAIN and. SPEEDY CURE for all they.

are specified for; besides they are 8 GENUINE REMEDY, and worthy of SOUTHERN PATRONAGE. For sale by all Druggists and Medicine venders throughout the United States. Principal Depot and Manufactory, No. 39 North Markot Street, Nashville, Tenn. R.

P. JENKINS, Patentee and Proprietor. le21 6m M. HENDERSON. HENDERSON Licensed Practical PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No.

78 North, Cherry Street, Near OX of Tennessee WHERE in THEY their ARE PREPARED TO DO Uno in a prompt and Aret-class manner. Plumbers' Material ON HAND AND For Sale at Reasonable Rates. SPECIAL TIES BUYING INDUCEMENT BY THE OFFERED TO PARQUANTITY. Agents for Carr' world-renowned Pateut Pan Monitor Water -closet. Also, Agents for Clark Brother's Vitrifiled Clay Pipe for Sewerage, all sizes.

Ale Sheet Pumps, Lead, Artesian Lead Pipe, Pampe, Pig Lead, Force Pumps, Block Tin and Barbs, Hydrants, Washstands, Beer Water co*cks, water Shampooing, Nozzles, co*cks, Basin co*cks, Couplings, etc. Gas Fitting. Public and Private Buildings, Storehonyas, etc. fitted up in the most improved style and rear terms; Chandeliers, Hail Lights, Pillar: Lights, Drop Lights, Portable Stance with hose, Patent and Brackets, Glass Globes, Smoke Bells, Plain all Shades, sizes; Cigar Lighters, Light Castiron Pipe, iron Pipe, plair. and galvanized, for gas, maser and steam, from inchup to 9 inches.

Fittings for the Above. Tees, to Zibows, Crossea, Plugs, Bushing, Red cars, Hooks, Return Bends, Union Steam Fitting. Steamboat, Factory, Hotel and Stationary gine work done; Steam Guages, Steam Whistles Steam Traps, Globe Valves, all sizes: Gage co*cks, Oil Cups, Air co*cks, Cylinder co*cks, etc. 148 1y STEAMBOATS, MEMPHIS ARKANSASRIVEE PACKET COMPANY. THE BOATS of TUBSDAY THIS LINE LEAVE MEMPHIS every THURSDAY and ing with SATURDAY, lighter 6 connectdraft boats of thee Company at Little Rock, for all pointe above, as far as Fort Gibson.

All freight consigned to the Memphis Arkansas River Packet Co. At Memphis, will be cared for and forwarded, without any Expense for Storing or Forwardin D. ADAMS, President. T. A.

KENDIG, Agent, No. Front Street, Meraphia. off 1y For Cincinnati. Old Reliable Mall Live STEAMERS. Fare $3 80, Including Meals 'and stateroom.

Dollar Less than by the Railroad. IN at THE ARRIVAL OF SOUTHERN TRAINS will leave Louisville, one of their magnificent steamers as follows: Evening Morning Line Line 10 o'clock. cinnatt Both with lines making sure connections at o'clock. all the early morning trains for the Rastern cities. Rastern passengers by this route have change from Cincinnati to New Yerk, Philadela.

ac phia and Baltimore. miles less Have railroad one night travel and one hundred and Alty than by any. other route from Louisville. fe161y FRANK CARTER, Sapt E. O.

HUED, BURCENALDY E. 0. HURD Cotton 101 Sycamore Street, CINCINNATI, Liberal advances made on consignments. 019 ders for goods ani ly The Excelsior SELF RAKING OR DROPPING. REAPER MOWER.


REID OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of Nashville and vicinity. OFFICE, CORNER SUMMER AND CHURCH, OP. ST. CLOUD HOTEL, UP STAIRS Where be may be found at all bones day, and Ight..

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


Who owns Tennessean? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is Nashville Tennessee best known for? ›

In 1925, the establishment of the Grand Ole Opry marked the beginning of Nashville's journey as the 'Country Music Capital of the World', drawing musicians and fans alike to the city and setting the stage for its future as a country music powerhouse.

Who settled in Nashville? ›

Nashville was founded by James Robertson and a party of Wataugans in 1779 and was originally called Fort Nashborough after the American Revolutionary War hero Francis Nash. Nashville quickly grew because of its prime location, accessibility as a river port, and its later status as a major railroad center.

What is the phone number for the Tennessee newspaper? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-342-8237 or chat online here.

Who owned Tennessee before USA? ›

From the Guide to 2010 State and Local Census Geography — Tennessee — History: The area of Tennessee was originally part of North Carolina. North Carolina ceded the area of Tennessee in 1790 to the United States, and this area was organized as the “territory . . .

What famous tennessean s moved to texas after serving in politics? ›

Texas' most famous governor, Sam Houston, was the only American to be elected governor in two states in U.S. history. He first served in Congress with fellow Tennessean and friend General Andrew Jackson, and was later elected as Tennessee's sixth governor. Houston later moved to Texas, joining Stephen F.

What are people from Nashville called? ›

A resident of Nashville is called a Nashvillian.

What is famous to eat in Nashville? ›

What to eat in Nashville, Tennessee: 8 dishes you must try
  • Nashville Hot Chicken.
  • Fried Catfish Sandwich.
  • Nashville Style Barbeque.
  • Meat-and-three.
  • Lobster Mac and Cheese.
  • Goo Goo Cluster.
  • Banana Pudding.
  • Bourbon Steak.
Mar 19, 2024

What is the nicest city in Nashville? ›

Here Are the Best Neighborhoods in Nashville for Your Move to Music City
  • Germantown. ...
  • Music Row. ...
  • Watkins Park. ...
  • Hope Gardens. ...
  • The Gulch. Average rent (one-bedroom): $2,200. ...
  • Cleveland Park. Average rent (one-bedroom): $1,625. ...
  • Salemtown. Average rent (one-bedroom): $1,975. ...
  • Brentwood, TN. Average rent (one-bedroom): $1,750.
May 13, 2024

Is Nashville Democrat or Republican? ›

Democratic strength is largely concentrated in Nashville, Memphis, and parts of Knoxville, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Murfreesboro, and Jackson. Several suburban areas of Nashville and Memphis also contain significant Democratic minorities.

What is Nashville's nickname? ›

Nashville is known the world over as the Music City. What is much less well known is exactly how this nickname came to be. In fact, the term was not even coined by an American!

What did Nashville used to be called? ›

The name Nashville goes back to the late 1700s, when colonists established Fort Nashborough where the modern-day city is located now. The fort was named after Francis Nash. Nash fought during the American Revolution and was from North Carolina. Later, Nashborough was changed to Nashville in 1784.

What is the main newspaper in Nashville, TN? ›

The Tennessean: Nashville and Tennessee news, Titans sports.

What county is Nashville, TN in? ›

Nashville, city, capital (1843) of Tennessee, U.S., and seat (1784–1963) of Davidson county. Nashville lies on the Cumberland River in the north-central part of the state.

What is the Tennessee Star newspaper? ›

The Tennessee Star is a conservative news and commentary website founded in 2017 and based in Franklin, Tennessee.

Who now owns Life and Casualty Insurance Company of Tennessee? ›

The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of AGC Life and is domiciled in Tennessee. AGC Life is owned directly by AIG Life Holdings (US) Inc., formerly AGC. AIG Life Holdings (US) Inc. is owned directly by AIG, a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business at 70 Pine Street, New York, NY 10270.

Who owned the Nashville Network? ›

The Nashville Network is an American cable television network that launched in 2006. It is owned by Country Channel Media, LLC, a subsidiary of the Whitebird Broadcasting Group.

Who owns Tennessee soccer team? ›

The team began play in Major League Soccer in 2020 as a continuation of the USL club of the same name and plays its home matches at Geodis Park. It is principally owned by John Ingram, owner of Ingram Industries, along with investors and partial owners the Turner family of Dollar General Stores.

Who is the CEO of Tennessee Employees Credit Union? ›

Tricia Cunningham - Tennessee Employees Credit Union | LinkedIn.


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.